Platycerium Bifurcatum – Staghorn Fern


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– In the summer water once a week and in winter once 2 – 3 weeks

– Indirect and filtered sun

– moderate to high humidity

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SKU: SF1 Category:



Staghorn ferns look very much like deer or elk antlers, hence their unique name. these plants are native to Asia and Australia. They are slow growers but end up being large and impressive when mature.



They will need frequent watering, the base of the plant should be allowed to dry out between watering, about once a week in the summer months and once every tow to three weeks in the cooler months. If the fronds have began to brown or blacken towards the base, it is likely the plant is being overwatered likewise if the tips of the fronds have browned or wilted it probably means that the plant needs watering more frequently.



Fertilize monthly with a well-balanced water-soluble fertilizer. Only in the spring and summer. In winter only every other month.


Planting and Care

Staghorn ferns are epiphytes, growing on the sides of trees or other plants in the wild, and will therefore thrive in similar conditions in your home. A great way to mimic this is to mount your plant on wood to hang on the wall. You will need a starting lump of peat, compost, moss, or other organic matter to act as the base, but beyond that should not need additional soil.





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Platycerium Bifurcatum - Staghorn Fern


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